OSCE and communication skills tutoring is offered by GP Dr. Tasneem Tabassom. Especially valuable for those struggling with OSCEs or those with a neurodivergent background
OSCE practice, anytime, anywhere
Practice your OSCE execution and learn how to maximise marks in your exams
A whole suite of tools, so you can study your way
Truely high yield content
Content based on real medical school exams
Fully voiced patients
Who never get tired even when your friends do
Marksheets complete with case details so you can practice with your friends
Multiple-choice questions
Multiple-choice questions complete with explanations
Short answer questions
To help with written exams and vivas
Responsive support team
Any queries, questions or requests? Just flick us an email and we'll get back to you
Performance analysis and tracking
Your personal coach
Identify weak points and perfect them
Auckland University Medical Students Association
Ignite Global Health Group
Liverpool Medical Students' Society
Macquarie University Medicine Society
Tasmanian University Medical Students' Society
Flinders Medical Student Society
Adelaide Medical Students' Society
Imperial College School of Medicine Students' Union
Curtin Association of Medical Students
Western Australian Medical Students' Society
Australasian Students' Surgical Conference
City St George's Medical Education Society
We're always happy to chat
Let us know if you have any questions, need help, or want to work with us
We value your creativity and input. If you have any suggestions or content requests, just let us know